ভালবাসার গল্প বাংলা love story bangla

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

M y maMy rriage love marriage. Ladka ladkor type jhgodrut, love love

M y maMy rriage love marriage. Ladka ladkor type jhgodrut, love love!
It was a lot of arguing before the wedding, I thought we should be marriage must be reduced. And what will be reduced, but increased Hari!!
Even before both were two-place "some relief, but after marriage together because of the rehytoukuk hapoosh! Argument ' quality ' and ' qozeranetus ' both continued to increase.

We have two polar inhabitants. According to one mill with anyone. I get my wife to North South. Surprised I thought this woman was married to? So big a mistake could! I'm so stupid man? Chi Chi Chi!

While my wife and similar charges. Marry me is the result of sin, of the birth of his seven or like me a disgusting animal on Earth, etc.

One argument in the extreme.
Then at 10:11. Up his fingers at me eyes, his wife said, "it is not possible for me to live with you. "I'm chewing said" it is not possible for me to live with. ' This is a place where both shall agree. There is the argument stop. Right is we both get different. Any person who does not see the face. Then a good seeing both go to court together with a mutual divorce.

My wife said, ' lawyers look? You didn't I? ' and I said, ' you look! Not my poshab of those searched everything. Where will we sign, sign up-wrong khals! "
"Don't eat the pulse again?"
"Of course not! Pulse is playing in my name bitch pusho. "But my wife is happy his father went home and packed suitcase.

I Pant left to save. At first, I did a huge jump, "Yahoo", then we go to my house about friends. Today all night mochaichab.
The next day, at khoraziadh, after a lot of whistling from the home started to be broken, and people saw two-hand said, "I am now free, hah hah hah!"

The free show in front of father-in-law after ten days the streets throughout and adds a cigarette after the walk.
People began to ask, "How is it?" and I said "nothing severe neck!"

Shaubshurmshai home the second day came out and said "Daddy don't go inside such madness. People say? "I'm hard neck than the day before, said" no!!! "

On the third day my wife came out. Told me said, ' what do you want? ' and I cry cry neck said "House Let's go. "Lifting the forehead eyes the wife said," go home? Jesus Christ? Lawyer system, two-four days of notice. Go home and go. "I have another cigarette get caught a second time in in said" House Let's go. "My wife ordered a bajkhari-" chopau! "I said" a third stop rickshaw moving house. "My wife disappointed voice said," do you have any time to fill? The clothes go? Clothes at least leave me! "

The together. It has a lot of jadarjhapa, but did not leave anyone. This does not mean that we should stop! Rather than dashgun.
My wife who is panting noise when I'm low tone say "How is breath?"
The same thing is breath work. Wife double encouraged starts again.

When does kordom teeth in extreme anger and say "look, I'll probably kill your ass out!"
It's reliable enough. This woman, it is not impossible. Don't need any assassin foon, he lived alone.

But the interesting thing is that such a terrible thing after hearing my particular fear fright. Teeth smiled and went, because I know this woman cannot even leave to kill me!

Then again, what fear! 😍❤😂

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